Adding cameras gives a controlled set of views to capture the animation
using the camera option and selecting Target and placing the camera on the viewport and selecting the target to record
This can be assigned to a path :
draw the required line or even a circle, select the camera choose Animation / Constraints / Path Constraints and then select the line or circle, the camera will then follow the line.
This shows the camera angle on the blue path, the spheres have also been attached to different paths:
Animating the object is relatively easy I found compared to 2D animation,

by moving the slider along to the the frame required, then using the set key option (allowing more control over the animation than the autokey option) click the large key to set a marker in framesetm move the slider to the next frame position then move the object to the required position click the large key again and so on - when completed turn off the set key option.
To add more movement control, smoothness etc, open the Track view - Curve editor under the Graph Editor tab. This allows control over the movement between the set frames already created using the set key.
Within this area a visibility and note track can be added under tracks - the visibility can make the object appear and disappear along the timeline.
The control is over the xyz positioning of the object under position, rotation and scale.
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